I am drawn to the enigmatic detail of place, the unresolved narrative, peripheral poetry, the glimpse of uncertain associations, the figure when it can present something universal rather than particular. My approach is one of making different series of suggestions, and through whatever formal vocabulary I use, I try to find a point at which there is a quietening down, a stillness, in which the image and the viewer might engage in a sotto voce conversation.

The more intently we look into the spaces we find ourselves occupying, the greater our opportunity to discover their abounding mysteriousness.  


PHOTOGRAPHER, American, living in London


twitter.com (@LimogesRobynne) 



Cover for award winning book, Everywhere the Undrowned: A Memoir of Survival and Imagination by Stephanie Clare Smith, 2024, The University of North Carolina Press through Great Circle Books

kioskderdemokratie.blogspot.com TenTone Poems (On Thoughts of Ritter) Editor: Sascha Windolph (Twitter: @chanarie69) (facebook.com/kioskofdemocracy) and for other portfolios


Ice Floe Press, Toronto (www.icefloepress.net) (Twitter: @icefloeP) anthology of poetry: Pandemic Love & Other Affinities, editor Moira J Saucer, Robert FredeKenter (Twitter: @frede_kenter)


2021 Rfotofolio Portfolio Selections, Merit, for La Sagrada Familia from Tone Poems (On Thoughts of Ritter) (rfotofolio.org) www.Rfotofolio.org


Bella Figura Publications, Dream of Venice in Black and White, editor, JoAnn Locktov, released April 2018 (bellafiguracommunications.com) (Twitter:@Dream of Venice @jolocktov)


ytali (Twitter @ytali_) ytali.com  ‘Undeciphered Messages’ Essay with image Dreaming Venice ytali.com/2018/12/14/robynnelimoges


2017 Rfotofolio Selection for portfolio Black Haiku: Poems for Dark Times.  Dialogue chosen for the Depth of Field exhibition and catalogue, Center for Photographic Art, 2018, California



Selected by Hahnemühle Fine Art UK for triptych, Foundation Stones, Blue Mosque, Istanbul 

Solo Exhibitions

London, USA, Amsterdam

Group Exhibitions

The Fortune Teller, Krakow, Honorable Mention, Julia Margaret Cameron International Competition

Black Haiku: Poems for Dark Times series and The History of History series, The Other Art Fair, London; supported by Hahnemühle Fine Art UK

The Color of Light, Juried by Arthur Meyerson, PhotoPlace, Vermont; Trees, Juried by Michael Kenna, A. Smith Gallery, Texas

Various awards from the International Garden Photographer of the Year, Royal Botanical Gardens of Kew; published in Collections Seven and Eight

Victoria and Albert Museum (juried show), London

The Lumen Gallery, London

Commissioned Television Stills Photography: BBC ‘Exit’

Commissioned Stills Photographer for ‘Butterfly Kiss’ and ‘Madagascar Skin’


Featured photographer in CollexArt/Kodexio (info@collexart.com)

Member of C4E (info@callforentries.com)

C4E Call for Entries - Featured Photographer

Hahnemuhle Newsletter - Featured Photographer

Foliolink Newsletter and Blog - Featured Photographer

Books - Monographs

SOTTO VOCE ISBN: 978-0-9565386-0-4 30 x 30 hardcover with jacket

30 x 30 cm boxed hardcover book of poems and black and white photographs prototype

BOOK OF HOURS prototype, 30 x 30 cm boxed hardcover book of poems and black and white photographs